'Where The Heart Needs ART."
After School Art Classes
Enrollment: OPEN
Classes begin Oct 10th - Dec 20th.
Elementary, Middle, & High School
Tuesday or Wednesday
4 - 5:30 pm
10 classes, 10 weeks
This semester:
Visual Arts Tuesday 4-5:30pm
Performing Arts Wednesday 4-5:30pm
choose both classes for $500.
Call office: 814-336-5051
Full and particle scholorships available to students in financial need and show artistic merit.
Art for the Individual
The Cootie Harris Studio is a dance/art educational space which improves the lives of individuals through the arts. By sharing the experience of creativity, movement, and imagination, in a beautiful environment, we make dynamic and positive change in the individuals and our community.

To Enroll: Use the link above or drop off check or money order to
Meadville Council on the Arts
PO BOX 337 Meadville, Pa. 16335.
Tuesday- Friday 11-5pm
Saturday 10-3pm